

Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014

Dear Family,

Wow Dad it sounds like you are giving quite the object lessons. But in my opinion they are the best kind. Because I would dare say that, that student will remember it. Now that is  what is important. what good is teaching people if they are just going to forget what we are teaching them. Its always best to make things interesting. Thanks Dad for your thoughts on Thomas. I really feel for him. Self doubts are always the hardest to overcome. But let us always remember that faith is a gift that is best received though sincere fasting and prayer. I also just read in Jesus the Christ that in order to exercise our faith we need to align our desires with the will of the Lord.
What a great goal that you have made, to visit the temple truly is a gift that most people don't understand. I don't even know if I truly understand it completely. For the temple is something that you can only truly understand through frequent temple attendance. So for you to make a goal like that really is a wonderful opportunity. I am slightly jealous... I don't have the ability to attend the temple... it being on a completely different island. I look forward to the next time I will be able to attend. Keana, going to the temple every week. That is so good of you. Like I said earlier, I am slightly jealous. make the most of it.
This was a fun week. I have a funny story for you guys. We were in a members house waiting in the front room for the head of the house to come out and talk with us. one of the little girls walked in and saw the reflection of light off of my companions watch on the wall. she seemed very amazed at this. Elder Davis moved the light a couple feet to the right, and sure enough she screamed in amazement and ran after the light. Elder Davis commenced in moving the light around the room for the little girl to follow, which she did with mush screaming. I thought the whole thing was quite interesting.
We got a new investigator this week. Brother and sister Leomiti. Its kind of cool because he is a Matai (chief). I think that is pretty cool, to teach a Matai. But its also not good because I heard that a lot of Matai's don't like our church because they don't like the fact that the church doesn't give any special recognition or states, where as in another church they would be considered a higher class than everyone else. or have higher authority. We will address the subject with him later this week.
Well that's all for now. Manuia lava le vaiaso!
Alofa atu,
Elder Fawcett

E aga'i I luma le galuenga a le Atua.

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