

Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014

Dear Mom,

It apears that you have allready guessed I would be getting email. we didnt find out for sure until 5 days ago. But just to let you know, we can use email every monday.

wow you ran 20 miles on saturday? Thats great. but thats good because that marathon is comming up pretty quick isnt it? and yes when i get back, i will need to get back into shape so that i can run a marathon. Well atleast it sounds like a good idea right now. Maybe not so good when I actually get back. haha. Both burritos and calzones in one week? You guys are eating great! haha that  sounds amazing, especialy when im over here eating fried chicken and taro every day. not exactly the most healthy diet... :( But oh well no point fussing over things that you cant fix.

This past week was great. Earlyer this week the bishops wife Amu asked us to come help her teach the seminary class on the 1st chapter of the D&C. specificaly on the last few verses and the verse that talks about this chuch being to only true and living chuch on the earth. That went really well. I spent about 15 mins talking to the class about the church and and what examples we should be. I was really happy about the way things went. (by the way this was all in english). Then right after the lesson one of the girls came up to me and asked my why I said that this was the only true church when there are other churches out there that say the same thing. So we told her that we would come by her house later after scholl got out and anser all of her questions. By the way her name is Anne. so later we went and taught her the first lesson. this was the first time I have ever tought a lesson in english. It was an amazing experiance, being able to bear my testomony in english. Anne had so many questions about Prophets and the Priesthood and so many other things. All in all, it was a really great day.

 The next day we went ovet to check out one of our reverals, and we ran into a lady named Saina. she said that she would to hear more about what we have to say. she also said that she used to get visits from other missionaries. but then she moved away. And i guess she moved back abot two weaks ago. So we went back and had a wonderfull lesson with her. We ended up talking about baptism, and we found out that she is not married to and has two kids with the man that she lives with. (does that sound familear to any of you?). Also, she cant get married to him for another month because the man has no ID in Tutuila. He said that he would be getting it some time in October. So I guess we will just have to use our onosa'i (patience). but we will definatly Keep going over to visit and teech her.

We did a Split with the District leaders this week as well. Elder Wilden came over to Pava'ia'i with me, while Elder Davis went over to Amanave with Elder Degrafenreid. While on that split we went and talked to Anne about the Plan of Salvation. And once again she had about 1 billion questions. she almost reminds me of Kjanela. haha in a good way of course. also on that split we just kept getting referals right and left. literally every house that we went to someone was asking us to visit a friend or neighbor. Elder Wilden was really jealous, he said that he gets no help in his area.

Dad you asked how long it takes to do one of the those envalopes. well to be honest i dont know, if i decide to do one i would start it at the begining of the week and then just work on it a little bit every now and again throughout the week whenever i get a chance. so maybe all together an hour and a half. but im not for certain.
Alofa atu,
Elder Fawcett

E aga'i I luma le galuenga.

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