

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Talofa, Aiga

Thank you for your last email, its really funny because I have actually been thinking about that scene of the Lion King over the past week. It has been something that has made me want to improve and be a better person.

I am only slightly offended that dad doesn't think I am capable of using such vocabulary, hahaha :) Congrats on getting the house sold! I bet that lifts a bunch of weight of your shoulders. I feel that I am making progress with the language, I can actually make a bunch of sentences of my choosing without using any resources, and my vocabulary is getting quite large! I have make a notebook of every word in Samoan that I know. its getting quite large now, I hope to keep writing in it through out my mission.  But of course i'm nowhere near as good as I want to be. Its really nice, in Samoan you don't have to do conjugate anything.  

All of us are going to Samoa, except seven of us, five to New Zealand, one to Hawaii, and one to California. Its really cool because there are enough of us here to cover the whole island of Savai. (the biggest island of Samoa)

I'm glad to hear that you are keeping Taft busy. I'm not sure what Madrigals is, but I hope he enjoys it. I hope Keana is doing great, I didn't get the pleasure of hearing from her this week. but I know she is busy. Just make sure she is enjoying life, and not just trying to get through it. Have fun on your trip this weekend. And yes that would be scary! but he will do a great job. congrats on getting those shelves put up! Did all four of you work on it? As for my blog. its up to you, I doesn't matter to me what it is called. Whatever you choose will be great. 

This past week has gone by sooo fast! all the days just blur together. I'm trying to keep a daily journal, so that helps a little. Its weird to think that i have already been here for three weeks. I'm really enjoying the MTC, and I am really looking forward to the next two years. There is an Elder in my district who I workout with every evening or so. there isn't much to say. Live is going great!!

If for some reason you were to ever send me a package or anything like that, I could use some spiral notebooks, (im going through them really fast) I could also use some more hair gel/paste I and almost out.

Ou te alofa ia te outou!!
Manuia le vaiaso.

Elder Fawcett

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